For driving a passenger car or a van, you need a category B driving licence. The minimum age for this driving license is normally 18.
With an exception permit issued by Traficom, a driving licence may already be obtained at the age of 17 if there are specific reasons for this. The permit is granted on the basis of careful consideration taking into account the young person’s personal needs for transport or a driving licence. More information about the exception permit can be found on Driving license info.
B-license course includes:
EAS -course
Compulsory for all who are applying for a driving license for the first time.
This instruction includes 4 hours of theory training on the basic rules of traffic.
Risk management -course
Compulsory for all who are driving B-license.
This instruction includes 4 hours of theory and 4 hours of driving.
Driving instruction
For a passenger car license, you need at least 10 hours of driving instruction + 4 hours of risk management driving instruction.
In practice, the amount of driving instruction required depends on the individual needs of the driving license applicant and the level of knowledge and skills they have previously obtained. The quantity and content of instruction and driving practice can be adjusted flexibly in accordance with the learning needs such that the minimum amount matches the minimum hours mentioned above. The more guided practise you receive before your driving exam, the better you will be prepared for independent driving after receiving your license.
B-course price 1350,00€
Price includes:
- EAS -course, 4 x 45min theory instruction online in English
- 10 x 50min driving instruction
- Risk management course, 4 x 45min theory instruction online in English and 4 x 50min driving instruction
- Online learning material in English
- Simulator rental for the Driving in the dark exercise
- Car rental for the first driving exam
- Office services
- If B-license is not your first driving license, you don't have to complete EAS course (-40,00€).